S4GES: SECOND PHASE OF THE ACTION Concepts and action strategies
- Lessons learnt
The ocean survey carried out in this pilot study provided critical insights in and evidence supporting the proposed approach to assessing GES on the basis of a holistic system-based approach. For this campaign, near real time sampling was based on satellite remote as a system wide observation tool for surface waters. Key findings were:
- Adaptive (system-based) sampling is crucial to properly capture the complexity of the system, both in terms of biodiversity and the trophic chain dynamics, and contaminant distribution patterns.
- the use of eDNA techniques proved very promising for measuring the pelagic biodiversity of the analysed system.
- integrated techniques for studying the pelagic trophic chain have evidenced specific responses to the dynamics of the investigated system (tidal effects, horizontal currents, etc.).
- the marked advantage of synchronicity in sampling and observations
- the need for scientifically more robust approaches (compared to those currently considered in the MSFD monitoring programs) to the analysis of inorganic contaminants and numerous classes of organic contaminants. The campaign has shown the capability of capturing the real dynamics of pollutants in the system. Besides, the flow of contaminants along the trophic chain has proven to be of great interest in defining the true state of GES.
On the whole, the need was identified for a stronger integration of the collected information in order to be able to adequately define GES. However, it is necessary to replicate the followed approaches in different systems, in particular, those characterized by: i) more complex vertical dynamics, ii) different ecosystems, iii) different sources and distribution patterns of contaminants.
- The approach of the first phase of S4GES
The JPI-O S4GES action was designed and implemented to provide science-based approaches aiding both the definition and assessment of MSFD GES.
In particular, S4GES, following a series of dedicated workshops, planned and implemented an oceanographic campaign that studied the physical, chemical and biological variables that characterize some of the key descriptors of MSFD.
This first phase produced results on: 1) the application of near real-time satellite observations for an adaptive sampling approach, 2) new molecular approaches (eDNA) for assessing the state of biodiversity in the marine environment (D1), 3) new tools for assessing the health of the pelagic trophic network (D4), 4) new analytical approaches to the study of contaminants in the marine environment and their ‘flux’ within the pelagic trophic chain (D8).
- Main objective of the second phase of S4GES
In this second phase of the Action, the main objective is to take the knowledge acquired so far to the next step by proposing a series of activities that could be financed through the launch of international calls and/or through funds made available via the redirection of dedicated MSFD monitoring budgets at national level. Although activities during the first phase have been primarily focused on the issues of biodiversity, the trophic chain and contaminants, nothing prohibits that in this second phase new and different areas of the MSFD are explored and examined (e.g., different Descriptors). The approach should in any case again be characterized by a strong integration i.e. synchronicity of results in order to allow a realistic assessment of the GES in its intrinsic complexity.
- Main activities of the second phase of S4GES
Hereafter, a number of activities are proposed for the next three years that both support and verify the achievements made in the first phase:
- organization of two oceanographic campaigns in two marine environments characterized that have different dynamics compared to the one explored during the oceanographic cruise in the North Sea (e.g., Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea).
- integrate data on biodiversity, trophic chain health and contaminants pressure to define an integrated value of GES;
- integrate data characterizing other Descriptors of MSFD with focus on a deeper understanding and assessment of GES;
- exploring new methodological and technological approaches for the measurement of key ocean variables dedicated to GES definition and assessment.
- implementation of measurement technologies and systems on integrated platforms (Glider, AUV, etc.);
- design and support to implementation for marine augmented observatories dedicated to GES assessment;
- set up practical guidelines to support environmental monitoring of the state of health of coastal seas to take on board the scientific knowledge gained from this JPI Ocean Action.